From One Springs the Other / Helene Johanne Christensen
It is from the arrangement of lines and the relation between colours, shapes, surfaces and layers, from the tension between foreground and background, vertical and horizontal, boundaries and infinity, that the moods and meanings arise in the works.
Where the Coordinates Intersect / Nils Ohrt
When speaking about his art, Bjarne Werner Sørensen uses the expression “coordinates”: a reference to the axes of experiences and influences, within which his art takes shape.
Panorama / Mai Misfeldt
It is as if there is nothing to stand on, and that you are looking directly in or down into a world, where nothing is ever clear-cut and where there is no solid foundation. The paintings are abstract and do not portray anything immediately recognisable.
An Entire Bisected Place Exists / Sissal Kampmann
Because being born to parents, where the gap between cultures at times may seem so profound that the bottom is not even glimpsed, where the abilities, possibilities and likelihood of being able to keep the balance of the line, which will lead one safely to the other side, seem impossible, out of reach, is a special place to stand.
Impressions / Erik Steffensen
Bjarne Werner Sørensen’s nature is not only Nordic. He has tasted the world; his work has a complexity beyond graphic simplicity. In the new works, which Bjarne Werner Sørensen is exhibiting at North Atlantic House, painting has come into focus.
Meningsskabende tilfældigheder / Kinna Poulsen
For samtidig som en horisontal, sammenhængende og bølgende bevægelse går igennem de fleste af hans grafiske værker, kan de enkelte billeder være opbygget vertikalt, lagvis harmoniseret med brede akkorder og smalle melodilinjer, der snor sig mellem hinanden på billedfladen i en bevægelse, hvorpå vi hverken kender begyndelsen eller enden.
Play of Color / Ditte Vilstrup Holm
This is no play of shadows. It is a play of planes of color. Figures on planes switching between appearance and pure form. The way the world emerges for us today through screen and image. In the midstream between flickering and representation.
Udblik / Annebet Feiring
Jeg ser tryk i sort /hvidt, som tætte regndråber malet med den fedtholdige tusch på stenfladen. Det er de første indfald, så vælter de andre indover, et har en fed orange og en grøn lodret kant ned over trykket, et andet ser ud som iturevne stykker sort papir trykt ind i det hvide.
Fluid Patterns / Ole Thyssen
One can see an imaginary world that reveals itself beyond sensual appearances. Colorful structures drift towards an invisible emergence. Patterns pushing and drifting to new pattern formations. Article by Ole Thyssen, Danish philosopher and sociologist, and Professor at the Copenhagen Business School.
Artforum review / Ronny Cohen
If the work of the Danish painter Bjarne Werner Sørensen, steeped in formalist painting traditions, appears to pay homage to the likes of Brice Marden and Per Kirkeby, the ambitious Spring till Fall, Faroes, 1996, makes it clear that the painter is after something other than an engagement with art history.
Signs of the Faroes / Raffael Rheinsberg
The octopus arms of the fjords claw into the bottom of the sea. The creek collides with the ocean. Lines, forms, sounds, colors, sun and moon confer with one another secretly, whisperingly. A force field of concentrated energies. Clouds push into waves.
Images Adrift / Mai Misfeldt
Bjarne Werner Sorensen expands a space between signs and coincidence. the closed form and suggested meaning. - Across the diffuse, plain surface a row of signs have settled, like birds in migration.
Weekendavisen / Poul Erik Tøjner
Spredninger samlet. Anmeldelse af separatudstilling i Overgaden, København november- december 1991